COME TO DADDY – ★★★☆ – US Comedy Horror starring Elijah Wood as a hipster 30-something son reuniting with his absent father. Really nicely done, with some unexpected twists and at least a few gruesome groans amongst the laughter. Felt influenced a little by Pulp Fiction in parts, which made me feel old.

VIVARIUM – ★★★☆ – I love the old The Twilight Zone episodes and am a fan of science fiction so this unusual, mostly unexplained film about a couple stuck in a suburban development had all the potential. It was good, but like Black Mirror episodes, feels like it could have been told in a more succinct way.

THE BIGGEST LITTLE FARM – ★★★☆ – A nice enough US documentary about a couple who start a farm using more traditional techniques to show that factory farming isn’t always the best choice. I loved the quote “There’s never enough time to do it right, but plenty of time to do it over”. #MIFF2019

HONEYLAND – ★★★★ – Incredibly filmed Macedonian documentary about a woman leading a simple rural life, keeping bees to support herself and her 85 year old mother. The arrival of new neighbours demonstrates the lack of foresight the modern world seems to have.