YOU WERE NEVER REALLY HERE – ★★★ – A fine performance (as usual) by Joaquin Phoenix in this suspense/drama around an ex-military guy in NYC that rescues young girls in sex rings. Nicely made, but feels like some depth might have been missing from the book it’s based on. #MIFF2018

MIFF Opening Night!

WILDLIFE – ★★★ – one of the best opening night films in memory. Set in Montana in 1960, this slow-placed film about a couple’s marriage break up from their teen son’s perspective was light in plot but otherwise well made.

Another year at MIFF and another bunch of blog entries are planned. Looking back at previous years, it seems that I’ve run out of steam and not updated with all the films I saw. Sorry about that. This year, you’ll be able to see the mini-reviews I do via my page as well; – enjoy!