SOLLERS POINT – ★☆ – Or ‘Sollers Pointless’. A seemingly random mix of events for an ex-convict, with no particular order, story, beginning or end. Watch Danny Glover’s (who also produced this film) Atlanta instead. #miff2018

THE WORLD IS YOURS – ★★★★- Thoroughly enjoyable and well paced French heist film. Excellent casting, do yourself a favour!#MIFF2018

INVESTIGATION OF A CITIZEN ABOVE SUSPISION – not rated – Too busy being upset about my lack of dinner to concentrate on this 1970s Italian film seemingly about a police chief who murders a woman and then investigates the murder. #MIFF2018

PICK OF THE LITTER – ★★★ – Nice doco following the path of a litter of five puppies from day one till the day they make it (or don’t) as a guide dogs for the blind. Lots of hand-held camera work that made me feel a little nauseous at points (something I’ve not experienced before), and could easily wait for a TV stream later. The aww-factor was high. #MIFF2018