I’m not sure if Romanian films and I are going to get along. I went against the grain last year by disliking ‘4 Weeks, 3 Months, 2 Days’, and this one while better, wasn’t fantastic. It’s about Bogdan (aka Boogie) who normally works excessively long hours, but is taking a well earned holiday with his wife and young son. He crosses paths with a couple of old high school friends, and goes out for a night of debauchery with them. As a new father who has trouble juggling everything on his plate, I identified a little bit with Bogdan – the difference is that I’ve chosen to prioritise what’s important to me (entirely) differently, and therefore had a hard time empathising with the character.

I’m a new father, and this is my first film festival as one. I’ve noticed that aside from a severe lack of sleep that my brain has been reprogrammed – I see the MIFF advert with the little baby there and think about how cute my boy is. Sad, but true. So, when I see films now, they have different a different effect on me than they might have in previous years… Which is all said because Noodle was a great little film that really pulled at the heart strings. It’s about a chinese boy whose mother is a cleaning lady for a twice widowed Israeli flight attendant. She leaves her six year old son with the flight attendant for an hour after receiving a phone call, but never comes back. The story is cute and funny and at times sad. The little boy in this is great too. Highly recommended for those who like a sappy sweet film.

This Czech film is about a teacher of retirement age who (you guessed it) retires. He’s still an active person, more in mind perhaps than in body, and has some trouble adjusting to retired life. It follows him as he tries to pick up new jobs and the various people he meets along the way. It was a little drawn out, and to be honest I felt a little let down by the ending, but overall, it was enjoyable enough.

(Note that I fell asleep for about 20 minutes in this film, so if anyone wants to argue the review with me, they have every right to). This was a quirky film that got stranger by the minute – it’s about Odd Horten, an engineer on a train in Norway who reaches retirement age, and how he spends his time. If it sounds familiar (see Empties) then it’s pretty similar in premise, but quite different in execution. A far more appealing film visually.

A nice and often funny film about a quiet school boy whose mother is very religious and whose father has died some time ago. When he crosses paths with a bratty class clown, a friendship forms and together they set about making their own film, where Rambo (yes, that Rambo) needs rescuing by his son. Probably would appeal to those who like Wes Anderson’s Rushmore. The scene in the senior students common room was hilarious. Recommend it if you want a off-centre feel food flick.

Kind of a cross between Karate Kid and Bend it like Beckham (neither which are bad films in their own right). It’s probably not a necessary film, and certainly not an important film but it was good fun and well put together with a nice style to the filming. I couldn’t get this song out of my head while watching…

Review to come…


Awesome and powerful film. It’s about a teenager named Ben who suffers from Aspergers Syndrome, a form of autism. He’s a smart kid, but doesn’t really fit in as a normal high school kid, being unable to interact socially with others. As a result is he is horribly teased. However, when he plays his online games, his mind is freed and he can function in that virtual world just fine. This story is about how he’s treated and how he deals with it. Highly recommended.

A disappointing vampire film from Sweden. Similarly to Ben X, the story revolves around a boy that is bullied, however in this case, his aide is in the form of a young Vampire. The shots were nicely done, but other than that it was a very patchy story, which just didn’t grab me at all, and was unable to give me any kind of idea as to what it was trying to say or be. Sometimes suspenseful, but it felt like there were a lot of subplots going on without a major actual plot to consider. Poorly constructed. It’s based on a book which is meant to be really good, so perhaps invest your time in reading it before you watch it.

One of the few documentaries that I’m seeing this film festival. It’s by Werner Herzog, whose film ‘The Wild Blue Yonder’ was at MIFF a couple of years ago, and which I particularly enjoyed. It’s about a few of the base stations down in Antarctica. However, instead of the more typical documentaries which focus on historial expeditions to Antarctica, or the land itself, he primarily shows us what kind of people work down at the bottom of the world, and finds some real gems. The true quality though is in his narration, which is very humourous and makes the film.


A few years ago I got suckered into seeing a couple of films by Andrew Bujalski, the ‘new indie darling of American cinema’ at MIFF (They were Funny, Ha Ha and Mutual Appreciation. Both were atrociously bad IMHO.) This year it’s Kelly Reichardt’s turn. Now, admittedly this film wasn’t actually ‘bad’ – not like the two other films I mentioned, but anticipation was high for me that this may be the pick of the festival, so when it wasn’t to my liking it was all the more disappointing. I think the main problem I have with the film was the lack of enough content to make up the already short at 80 minutes feature length film. This should have been a short film and it would have been fantastic if it had been. I don’t mind slow pace (see my review for ‘Time to Die’), but this just didn’t deliver much. I don’t think I was alone in my low opinion given the number of people who I saw leave during the session, and the groans I heard when the credits came up at the end followed by uncertain applause.