I love records, I love Japan, and I love the idea of the listening bars, also known as kissaten/kissa; A ‘third place’ where music fans can go to listen to records and have a drink, and perhaps food. This session was three episodes of a series that is being made by some NZ documentarians, and I was really looking forward to it. Unfortunately, while it was a taste of what was advertised, I wished for more information about the business of running the business. There was much exposition on the background of the people who owned each of the three places, and their history, but not as much ties into the music scene. It also felt a little repetitive in that each person’s story seemed to be pretty similar, despite the bars being classical, jazz, and rock focussed. It hasn’t stopped my interest in visiting one some day, nor potentially starting one (who knows?). I’d watch the other episodes if they’re streaming, but don’t feel like it’s a necessity to see on the big screen.


Amusing dark comedy from Iran about an aging mother, living alone, and far from friends and family. She is lonely, and sets out to try and meet a suitable man for company. I spent a lot of the film ‘waiting for the other shoe to drop’. I liked the premise a little bit more than the execution – some of the plot points felt a little over-simplified and rushed. That said I enjoyed it overall. Worth checking out.