This was a documentary about a retreat/resort/camp during the 1960s for cross dressing and trans people who identity as women, and focuses on a few of them. I found parts of it intriguing, learning more about the complexities and difficulties experienced back then, but often felt like the documentary was leaving me behind. It was like I was sitting at a reunion of people talking about the old days, sometimes at length, often flicking through old photos, but not providing a level of context and background that would have made it more relatable to those that weren’t there. I will admit to shutting my eyes at points and letting my mind wander, so perhaps my assessment is unfair.


I mostly liked this Canadian romantic comedy; it’s about a female academic in a long term relationship who begins an affair with a builder. The film unsurprisingly explores the … nature of love. It’s interesting from the perspective that it makes one ponder the subject, and includes several philosopher’s thoughts about this throughout.