Clever idea suggesting a (conspiracy) theory where the US government faked the apollo 11 moon landing in 1969. Not a new idea but an interesting perspective on how it might have been done and an interesting execution in that it was pieced together using film footage taken at the time. Might’ve got an extra half star if the handheld camera work hadn’t been so shaky throughout.


Part of MIFF’s Setsuko Hara retrospective, this was a restored showing of a 1949 film. It wasn’t earth moving to me but the Japanese have a knack for sweet films around family (see also STILL WALKING, MIFF 2009). Almost certainly of its era, I’d like to know whether the inane constant smiling of the characters was a japense cultural thing or part of the way actors portrayed everyday life at the time.


Walter Mattheau starred with Elaine May (who also directed) in this 1971 film that forms part of this year’s MIFF spotlight on female New York directors of the 1970s. It was watchable, but I kind of expected a little more based on reviews I’d read. Additionally I was surprised how the film didn’t really advance the notion of gender equality but instead had the lead female role being fairly subservient to the sometimes quite mean male.


Loved this film. A perfect example of how a good filmmaker (in this case Jim Jarmusch) can take a fairly simple premise without any major barrier to be overcome by its protagonist but still make something so immersive and enjoyable. This stars Kylo Ren.., err, Adam Driver as a content New Jersey small town bus driver who writes poetry in his spare time and leads a fairly predictable daily routine. He seems entirely happy in this, and without ambitions beyond what he’s got. An enviable position. While they are happily married, his state is in contrast to his wife who appears to be still pursuing her destination. And his bus station colleague is often turning the daily grind of life into reasons to be dissatisfied. Probably going to be my festival highlight.