A LOVE SONG – ★★★★

Fairly relaxed film with beautiful scenery shot in Colorado. A woman later in life is camping in a trailer on a lake, and waiting for the arrival of a friend from high school, who she hadn’t seen from decades. A few quirky scenes, but if you liked Nomadland, you’ll probably get value out of this, even if it mightn’t have been quite as good.


A last minute booking based on positive feedback I’d heard about it. Directed by Ruben Östlund who did Force Majeure at MIFF a few years ago, this is a three part film centred mainly around a young model couple who are living a luxurious lifestyle of the super rich. The first two parts were great, and if the third was as strong, this might have been a favourite of the festival. Unfortunately the third part dragged a little, but nevertheless this satirical take on society and the have’s treatment of the have nots is interesting when the tables are turned.

SWEET AS – ★★★☆

A nice enough Australian drama, probably more targeted at a younger audience. It’s about an aboriginal girl who is placed on a minibus with three other at-risk youths, in part to give them a place to be safe from their environments (and themselves), while participating in photo expeditions. Nicely made and paced. This is what should have been advertised to MIFF audiences repeatedly instead of “6 Festivals”.