PERFECT 10 – ★★★☆

Mostly well excecuted British film about a young gymnast and her attempts to make sense of her place in the world. Her mum is no longer around, and her dad isn’t the most attentive parent. She meets her half brother for the first time, and starts dabbling into the wrong side of the law with his influence. Perhaps a little predictable in parts, but a nice enough story nonetheless.


Short, but reasonable documentary marrying the story of Australia’s ‘discovery’ by James Cook from the indigenous Australian perspective. This is worth watching in hearing about the continuing difficulties of the people who were here before colonisation, and the marrying of the stories to song was mostly well done. Recognising that something does need to be done, I’d like to have heard a little more about what can be done to improve the situation from the perspective of indigenous Australians, assuming that the issues have been heard.