Great film set in a Brazlian fishing village. It’s about a guy who’s got an itch for a girl in town, and how he goes about trying to win her attention. Aside from her not taking a big interest in him for himself, he also has to compete with a friend who’s got a job driving beach buggies for tourists and is also taking an interest in her. This was a slow film in a good way. It was one to savour and wasn’t boring. Great shots underwater and really dragged you in. See it if you can.

Good documentary about the MPAA (who decides how to rate films in the US). Pretty well laid out, explaining the history of the MPAA, the meanings of the ratings that exist there, and the problems that exist with the way the ratings system works in the USA. Highlight of the film was the part when he has to submit the documentary about the MPAA to the MPAA for ratings… It was entertaining and enjoyable, but it did tend to feel a tad one-sided, in the same way that Super Size Me and Michael Moore docos are – i.e., they’re probably fighting for the ‘right’ side, but aren’t necessarily presenting an unbiased opinion. Hopefully SBS will show this one on TV, as it’s worth checking out, but I’m unsure if I’d spend the money to see it at the cinema.