Excellent understated film about a 10 year old girl whose mother has passed away, and is trying to be the glue for her immigrant father and pregnant sister. Spoke as loudly in what wasn’t told as it was with what was.


Kind of confused that this warranted being considered a film documentary. Looks at a Queensland based family; a father with three kids, a mother with two (both from previous relationships), who met and married 20 years ago. Kind of a cross between The Castle (but not as endearing) and Australian Story. Ultimately while it wasn’t uninteresting, probably would have been just as good as a one hour episode on the ABC.


Wow. Impactful French film about a young girl starting at a new primary school where her brother already attends, and covering bullying from a child’s perspective. Unbelievable how well they really took you back to that feeling of childhood and the undercurrents of what goes on in the absence of adult wavelengths. I found my breathing arrested watching this. The young actress was stellar and deserves awards for her performance.