This documentary was about gig economy jobs like Uber, Lyft, Deliveroo, etc. So much not to like about the documentary. Someone from *Microsoft* of all places talking about the evils of these companies (ha!). It was too long, without enough content – it could have been half the length. No scenes with representatives of the other side sharing any views (nor reference to whether they were asked and refused). The poverty-porn scenes of the guy from Florida and his mother – what else was the purpose in the long scenes with his mother and her lottery tickets? And it wasn’t really telling us anything that most of us don’t know – that many companies will exploit whatever they can to make profits. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, *is* the gig up? The movie ended without showing that anything of note had actually been achieved in reaching fairness for employees of these kinds of jobs. I’m sure there’s a story to tell, I just don’t think this documentary achieved it.