EXILE – ★★★

Very nicely filmed, and well acted German film about the workplace environment of a ex-pat from Kosovo. Tension runs throughout the whole film as you follow in his path, not quite sure where the film is leading. Is he the victim? Is he overly-paranoid? Is he creating the tension himself? The themes were interesting, but it felt like it was keeping the audience on the outside, perhaps to make their own decisions. As the main character stood in front of a red curtain in the final scene, I was reminded of Twin Peaks, and like Twin Peaks the film ended without payoff. Sometimes the journey makes it worth it (Like in most of David Lynch’s work), but in this case it didn’t work for me.

THE GO-GO’S – ★★★☆

Documentary about the band. I’m familiar with the band and still recall the video of Vacation when it came out. Overall enjoyable story of the band. It was nice to see the members be able to look back with some degree of sensibility, but perhaps the story wasn’t entirely unpredictable. Congrats to them for the achievements they made.


I really enjoyed the French animation “I Lost My Body” last year at MIFF 2019, so hoped that lightning might strike twice with this animation about the life of a dog. And, it did. What a touching, wonderful film. If you have a special dog in your life, I dare you to make it through without shedding a tear. See it if you get the chance.