ANIMALS – ★★★☆ – The story of two late 20s/early 30s girlfriends living in Ireland, as they go through a phase of life between singledom towards settling down. Enjoyable enough, and nicely made. #MIFF2019

GIVE ME LIBERTY – ★★★★ – What a film with heart. Often amusing drama about the son of Russian immigrants working as a van driver to assist people with disability, but who is constantly asked to juggle multiple competing demands. #MIFF2019

The absolutely awesome roof of the Capitol Theatre. So glad this venue is back for #MIFF2019

IN FABRIC – ★★★★ – This film, set in the 1970s, and generally about an evil dress that creates havoc in the lives of whoever wears it is definitely not for everyone. But I loved it. See it if you’re happy to have the journey without caring about the destination. #MIFF2019