SUEDE: THE INSATIABLE ONES – ★★★★★ – brilliant documentary about this UK Band. Wonderful to see Justine Frischmann again, and incredibly insightful perspectives from the band. #MIFF2019

AKASHA – not rated – second film in a row that I drifted off to sleep. I suspect this one’s on me as it seemed okay for the parts I saw. To quote a fellow attendee, “like a Sudanese ‘Dumb and Dumber'”

FIRE WILL COME – not rated – Did I not enjoy it because I fell asleep or did I fall asleep because I did not enjoy it?

IT MUST BE HEAVEN – ★★★★ – Palestinian film that admits itself that it doesn’t need to be given it’s global settings. Very Jacques Tati-esque with a series of often amusing vignettes around an almost speech free lead. #MIFF2019

CAPITAL IN THE 21ST CENTURY – ★★★☆ – a documentary based on the book, telling yet another way the world is going to hell in a hand basket. I’ll hope that positive outcomes occurs when governments finally start ruling for the people more than the large companies that lobby them. #MIFF2019