I LOST MY BODY – ★★★★ – Incredible French animation about a hand trying to find its owner’s body, and acting as a sort of guardian angel along the way. Really cleverly done, interspersed with flashbacks to build the story. #MIFF2019

BELLINGCAT: TRUTH IN A POST-TRUTH WORLD – ★★☆ – Interesting topic for a documentary, talking about people who are voluntary truth seekers using social media to try and piece together evidence around various world events. The film itself was poorly strung together, jumping all over the place, and not really delivering the message it could have. #MIFF2019

THE WHISTLERS – ★★★ – Not terrible Romanian crime drama that kind of lost me in regards to who was who and what side(s) they were on. Couple of issues around the use of whistling to communicate – why not use encrypted messaging? And, when they *could* use whistling, like in the last scene, why didn’t they? #MIFF2019

LONG DAY’S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT – ★★★★ – Stylish Chinese film about a man returning to his past and hunting for the woman he knew. It wasn’t a clear narrative, and I wasn’t sure if I missed something, but it was still easily worth the 2.5 hours. Perhaps a couple of scenes could have been edited down, and fortunately the 2D->3D transition felt much less gimmicky than I suspected. But, this one has stuck in my mind since watching. #MIFF2019