POPE FRANCIS: A MAN OF HIS WORD – ★★★☆ – I don’t believe in any single religion’s god, and am skeptical of one that isn’t based in science, so I was hesitant to see this, but what a great doco. If you could hope for a leader of a church to say the best possible things, it seems that he is doing that. An inspiring film that makes you want to do better for the world, not because God said so, but because it’s the right thing to do. #MIFF2018

YOU WERE NEVER REALLY HERE – ★★★ – A fine performance (as usual) by Joaquin Phoenix in this suspense/drama around an ex-military guy in NYC that rescues young girls in sex rings. Nicely made, but feels like some depth might have been missing from the book it’s based on. #MIFF2018

COLD WAR – ★★★★ – Incredible black and white film set (mostly) in post-WWII Poland and France, around the off and on relationship between a polish singer and the her musical leader. Amazingly filmed, and kept me interested throughout. #MIFF

THE THIRD MURDER – Not Rated – had some pleasant enough catnaps through this slow paced Japanese film, and apparently several others did too. Can’t rate it since it was subtitled and I lost the plot quickly. Apparently not bad as rated by peers. #MIFF

MIFF Opening Night!

WILDLIFE – ★★★ – one of the best opening night films in memory. Set in Montana in 1960, this slow-placed film about a couple’s marriage break up from their teen son’s perspective was light in plot but otherwise well made.