SHOCK WAVES: DIARY OF MY MIND – ★★ – Beyond belief attempt at finding cause for a student killing his parents and whether his literature teacher may have had some bearing. If you think you can blame music|books|video games for violent crimes maybe this’d be your thing. #MIFF2018

THE BILL MURRAY STORIES – ★★★ – Documentary investigating the stories around Bill Murray mingling with the public unexpectedly. Interesting stories, but I wonder his motives, and wish the documentary had dug a little deeper into the why. #MIFF2018

AMERICAN ANIMALS – ★★★☆ – Very well polished American film telling the true story about four young gentlemen who decide to try and steal some rare books from their university campus library. Enjoyable, but unsure if they deserve the fame/limelight for committing a crime. #MIFF2018

THE GUILTY – ★★★★ – Brilliantly made, short and tense Danish film completely set in a small police emergency call centre. Deep story and character development done entirely by one man’s interaction with others, almost entirely by phone. Must see. #MIFF2018