WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? – ★★★★☆ – Wonderful documentary about Mr. (Fred) Rogers, whose kids show I watched regularly when I was young. A touching tribute to a man who contrasted what is fed to kids as entertainment. Would have loved to hear a little more about his upbringing, but easily one of my favourites at MIFF this year. #MIFF2018

MUSUEM – ★★ – Mexican film loosely based on the true story of the heist where many ancient artifacts were stolen out of the national museum. I found it hard to feel empathy for the main characters and it felt like the film dragged on. Was disappointed as I had high anticipation for this one. #MIFF2018

THE CHILDREN ACT – ★★☆ – British film about a justice (Emma Thompson) and her dealings with a case of a minor who is a Jehovah’s Witness and refusing a blood transfusion (yep, another film about this at MIFF) while her marriage breaking down. Maybe the novel was better but the film was just okay. #MIFF2018

AND BREATHE NORMALLY – ★★★ – Decent enough film about two struggling mothers, one a refugee attempting to enter Canada via Iceland, and the other an Icelandic woman training as a border patrol agent. Needed to suspend disbelief, but not bad. #MIFF2018