KEDI ★★★☆
A very enjoyable documentary about the street cats of Istanbul and those who care for them. They generally don’t have owners, but they do have people who help care for them. Nicely shot, often at cat-height, and refreshing in that it was pretty much all uplifting stories. I’ve owned cats in the past, and it made me miss them. Looking forward to seeing this again some day with my kids.

I don’t like dealing with large organisations that senselessly muck you around, and this Mexican film was for the people who feel the same way. I’m not sure that I’d quite go as far as the wife of a cancer-stricken husband who is desperately trying to get medical assistance, but it was well made and had a good pace. I’d have liked a little more development of the back-story, as things get rolling pretty quickly and we know she’s angry, but I think perhaps a little more on the actions taken by the insurance company might have helped build more empathy for the wife.