Gotten an attack of the lazies, and haven’t updated the blog with my film comments for nearly a week. Let’s hope I remember enough about them..

I believe this Godard film starring Anna Karina and Jean-Paul Belmondo film had more going for it than I was able to pick up – parts were entertaining, but a lot of it went over my head. I suspect based on discussion with others later that there was a lot of symbolism being used that went over my head. As with the other two films, it was enjoyable to watch, but without really getting a good grip on the story, it wasn’t my best festival experience


Best of the festival so far. This is science fiction done right with awesome sets, excellent acting and a good story. If you like the first half of ‘Sunshine’ before it turned stupid, or a fan of films like Silent Running, this is a must see.

This was one of Iceland’s biggest films of 2008 apparently. I’m unsure how many films are made there each year, but while this tale of Jon, a university professor’s days leading up to his wedding had enough to keep me seated, it lacked enough to keep me happy. I was a little confused at first as with the jumping timeline, and telling the story of the two loves of Jon’s life with actresses that didn’t look entirely dissimilar, I didn’t realise they were different women until about 20 minutes in. Jon wasn’t really a likable protagonist and this let the film down for me.