Champagne comedy! Oh, it’s an action film? I’d seen Mad Max 2 about 20 years ago and thought it was pretty good at the time, but barely remembered anything about it. So, when I saw it was going to show on the big screen, I thought it was well worth checking out. And I was right – it’s a great film given the time that’s passed – the action sequences are really well done and the pacing of the film still keeps you watching. Some of the lines and many of the costumes and hairstyles are laughable now though – calling the bad guy ‘Lord Humungus’ and dressing all his cohorts in homoerotic assless leather chaps is hilarious. I know that if I was hanging out in the desert, I’d certainly think that leather pants and chains for a top made good sense. Anyway, a good romp and still entertaining. I was thinking while watching it that they could just about retell the story in the Star Wars universe with Han Solo as Mad Max, Chewbacca as Max’s dog, and an ewok as the feral kid. Am I right or am I right?