One of the few documentaries that I’m seeing this film festival. It’s by Werner Herzog, whose film ‘The Wild Blue Yonder’ was at MIFF a couple of years ago, and which I particularly enjoyed. It’s about a few of the base stations down in Antarctica. However, instead of the more typical documentaries which focus on historial expeditions to Antarctica, or the land itself, he primarily shows us what kind of people work down at the bottom of the world, and finds some real gems. The true quality though is in his narration, which is very humourous and makes the film.


A few years ago I got suckered into seeing a couple of films by Andrew Bujalski, the ‘new indie darling of American cinema’ at MIFF (They were Funny, Ha Ha and Mutual Appreciation. Both were atrociously bad IMHO.) This year it’s Kelly Reichardt’s turn. Now, admittedly this film wasn’t actually ‘bad’ – not like the two other films I mentioned, but anticipation was high for me that this may be the pick of the festival, so when it wasn’t to my liking it was all the more disappointing. I think the main problem I have with the film was the lack of enough content to make up the already short at 80 minutes feature length film. This should have been a short film and it would have been fantastic if it had been. I don’t mind slow pace (see my review for ‘Time to Die’), but this just didn’t deliver much. I don’t think I was alone in my low opinion given the number of people who I saw leave during the session, and the groans I heard when the credits came up at the end followed by uncertain applause.