A fantastic MIFF day today – caught four films (but missed Noodle – may catch it the next time it’s on), and all of them were great!

This is what the film festival is about for me – a total risk and something I know I’d never see despite any potentials anywhere else due to time or other constraints. It’s a very visual comedic film about a couple who love to dance – an unfortunate accident awaits them though which throws their world into disarray. Very little dialogue, but entertaining to watch throughout. A cute film to make you smile.

A light French comedy about a postal manager who is feeling a lot of pressure from home to get transferred to the Riviera. However, when his efforts go a little too far, and he gets caught out, he ends up being sent to Northern France as a punishment. Good fun involved, particularly the scene where his wife visits the town up North to see how bad it is for him.

Really touching film from the US which is about the collision of lifestyles between a university professor in a rut and a couple of illegal immigrants who are innocently living in his unused New York apartment without his knowledge. A strong message about detention centres in America, and how to the land of liberty and justice for all isn’t necessarily so. At the same time it doesn’t pander to too many cliches. Highly recommended.

This one’s getting a major release soon. UK Heist flick about a bunch of petty crooks in London who rob Lloyds Bank in the early 1970s, and the various types of trouble that ensues. The police aren’t the only parties interesting in finding them… It’s no Lock Stock, but still worth a watch.