The premise of this film was pretty interesting, I thought. A girl finds out she has terminal cancer (with one month to live), and then on the same day, loses her job, and her boyfriend dumps her. So, with that as the introduction, the film proceeds to show how she deals with the short path before her. One of the recurring elements is her memories as a child of wanting a red guitar very badly, yet never realising that dream – until now. I thought the first 10 minutes of the film were excellent, and perhaps this set me up for a bigger fall ultimately. The problems are in the execution – the plot borders on ridiculous, isn’t anywhere near realistic, and I had a lot of trouble empathising with Melody, the main character, which made it hard for me to go along for the ride. I really don’t want to say too much about the plot points lest I spoil the film for others, but let’s just say the ending would have been better had she wound up as the first president of the world, after solving world peace. Oh, and someone should tell her about eBay.