I missed the first film I’d intended to see today, ‘Glue’ from Argentina. If you went, let me know what you thought of it. I added an extra film at the end, though, so still on track to see way too many films in a short period of time.

This Turkish film is set in a village, and is a slow film showing the life of three young guys who are old enough to be gaining responsibilities. I was disappointed, but it’s not necessarily a bad film, it just wasn’t for me. Several long and drawn out shots of scenery, watched kids walk down the alleyways of the villages so many times, that it began to feel like you knew the layout of the roads like a local, and maybe that was the point. Ultimately though, it didn’t really talk to me, but I’m glad I got to see a snapshot of what life might be like for Turkish villagers.

An american comedy horror about a teenage girl who’s taken a vow of chastity, and lucky for her, cause she’s got teeth down there in her whatswhosits. Lots of good sarcastic humour, and some fairly explicitly gross scenes for effect there too. Was nice to see Moles from Electric Dreams (aka the recluse from Twin Peaks) getting a visible role. I think it was a bit that just about every male character in this film is portrayed as a sex-hungry asshole who apparently can’t help but violate the lead character. But, it’s not exactly a documentary and isn’t there to win high art awards. Worth catching if you like your comedy with a bit of bite. (ha, ha).

So Joe Strummer is this guy who was in a band called The Clash who did that song “Rock the Casbah”. Okay, maybe that’s obvious to some, but not all. I like the Clash well enough, but like the Ramones, I think they’re a bit overrated. I know that everyone’ll be spitting their teas out at that, but I can appreciate their music, and enjoy listening to it, but I’m not about to base my entire wardrobe around it. Anyway, this film started off on slightly shaky footing – I was getting a pretty lacklustre impression of Joe, but around 1/3 of the way in it grabbed hold and had me till the end. And that’s not too bad for a 2+ hour music doco about a musician that I’m only casually interested in. Why, oh why did they need to let Bono in on this thing though? I’ve just gone through IMDB to try and count the number of music documentaries he’s been in that weren’t about U2, and I believe it’s .. oh look, I got up to 16 and we’re only up to 2002. Geez Bono, do you honestly love all these various people, or are you so in love with the camera you’ll say anything for a bit of screen time? Anyway, back to this documentary – definitely worth seeing if you like Joe’s work. Probably worth seeing if you like music docos.