A set of shorts, so hard to review as a whole. As can be expected, some were good, some weren’t. Highlights were ‘Transformers: The Art of Circuit Bending’ and ‘Spitfire 944’ about an American pilot who crash landed a spitfire during WW2. Lowlight was ‘Sleep City’ which was several 5-10 shots of empty streets in a town somewhere in Spain (I think – there was no narrative/interview/vocal/textual element to this ‘documentary’ by which to tell).

Cute Japanese film about some girls in high school who suddenly need to find a new singer for the band before their big premiere show at a school fair. The film is named after song they sing, and let me tell you, the chorus is still stuck in my head nearly 24 hours later.

I had my doubt about this, but after having short naps in the previous two sessions followed by dinner and a coffee, I decided at the last minute to get one more film in. It was actually pretty good! The film consists of an ‘alien’ (who looks like one of us, and is played by the same actor who plays the doctor in the c*cks*ckingly great tv show Deadwood interspersed with stock footage. The alien guy would describe the state of the story for us, and then portions of stock footage with music would demonstrate the story (sometimes well, sometimes requiring a bit of imagination). Makes for a cheap sci fi flick, eh? It was mostly pretty interesting though and had a good few humourous moments. It dragged a bit towards the end, at which point I was getting a bit tired and hoping that the underwater (err, I mean liquid helium atmosphere) shots would move along a bit.