Another documentary about the state of the world and how it’s going to hell in a hand basket, this time in relation to global warming. You’d think that we’ve had enough of these over the past few years, but this one was freaking great. It had enough statistics and fact to ensure that you didn’t necessarily become swayed by emotive outpourings. It was well made and cut together to provide a high level of interest and enterainment – Al Gore is a great speaker. And, it actually told us what we can do to make a difference – and it’s not that hard. A must see – I’m calling my electricity company this week to convert to green energy. Check out the website at to see what you can do.

When this Danish film was released in the mid-90s it was very well received. It wasn’t an awful film but given I never saw it till now, it just feels a bit run of the mill – think pulp fiction/lock stock/etc, except without the polish of those films. The main issue for me really was that I didn’t feel sympathy for the (anti)hero in the film. I wasn’t really rooting for him. Worth a look if you like drug/mob type flicks.

My first film at the Greater Union. I really dislike that cinema. Anyway, this was a watchable film, but was really directionless. It’s about Al Franken the Saturday Night Live comedian and his political leanings/activity. I wasn’t really sure what the point that was trying to be made was, and I suspect the filmmakers didn’t know either. If you’re a big fan of Al Franken, maybe it’d be more interesting, as it seems to be a mish-mash of things that he was involved with leading up to the last US election. You can see that he’s passionate about the politics of the country and may be more closely involved in the political system in the future. I suppose another factor is that that the US elections that this film leads up to were nearly two years ago, so what it’s meant to be doing for us in 2006 is another point to consider. Probably worth a look if it shows up on TV.